
Chit-Chat Action Commands Docs

Name Example Usage
cc fcuk [user]cc fcuk @userFeeling Naughty?
cc greet [user]cc greet @userWelcome a person by greeting him
cc hug [user]cc hug @userFeeling alone? Hug someone
cc kill [user]cc kill @userSick of someone? Easy! Just kill them! (we do not endorse murder yet)
cc kiss [user]cc kiss @userExpress your love by kissing 💋
cc marry [user]cc marry @userEagered to marry? Marry right now
cc punch [user]cc punch @userSomeone hurt your feelings? Punch him 👊
cc roundkick [user]cc roundkick @userAngry on Someone? Just kick him/her
cc slap [user]cc slap @userAnnoyed?Want to slap someone? Just do it then
cc spank [user]cc spank @userFeeling naughty? Spank someone
cc stare [user]cc stare @userAngry on someone,scare him just by your stare

