
Chit-Chat Fun Commands Docs

Name Example Usage
cc advice cc adviceGet a wise advice
cc ascii <message>cc ascii helloConvert text into ascii text
cc boomer [user]cc boomer @userMake anyone boomer
cc dare [rating]cc dare / .dare rGet a dare
cc emojify <text>cc emojify discordConvert text into emojis
cc gay [user]cc gay @userMake anyone gay
cc gif [q=random]cc gif surprisedGet a gif
cc inspire cc inspireGet inspiring line and be inspired
cc insult cc insultGet an insult line
cc meme .memeGet a meme
cc rickroll <member>cc rickroll @userRickroll your server members (only for mods)
cc rip [user]cc rip @userWish RIP to a person
cc show <search>cc show hiGet a pic
cc truth [rating]cc truth / .truth rGet a truth
cc wanted [user]cc wanted @userMake anyone wanted



